Anne Marie Sheridan

Anne Marie trained at the Conservatory of Music Dublin where she received the Paul McNamara gold medal for excellence in performance and subsequently graduated with an MA in advanced vocal studies from the Wales International Academy of Voice.

Roles include First Mother in Dead Man Walking​ and Handmaiden in Turandot​ (Opera Ireland), Fiordiligi in Cosi fan tutte ​(Longborough Opera Festival on tour), Vitellia in La Clemenza di Tito (Giornata Opera), Angelica in Suor Angelica (Zezere Arts Festival) and Melva in Sortilegio (Sortilego Opera Montréal). CD credits include The Silver Hound: songs by Betty Roe.

Anne Marie’s acting credits include A Christmas Carol and The Suitcase (both for Open House Theatre). Anne Marie is delighted to reprise the role of Sofie Moriarty for the 60th anniversary season of Vienna’s English Theatre.